This is pretty kewl
(3) /savelo LoadOutTemplateName
This extremly handy command will save your current ability loadout under the name you specified. Though to properly use it you'll need another command.
/loadlo LoadOutTemplateName
This command will load the ability loadout that you have previously saved under LoadOutTemplateName. That means every ability will be like when you typed in /savelo LoadOutTemplateName.
Load all your Coder abilities. Then type in:
/savelo Coder
Change your loadout to whatever you want or even unload all your abs. Then type in:
/loadlo Coder
Whozaaa! Now all your Coder abilities you had previously loaded while typing /savelo Coder have been loaded again into your memory. Schweet, huh? (Kudos to Marie for the discovery. Smile)
(2) Abitity Loadout Changing Macro Buttons (for ease of use):
Load all your coder abs. Type in: /savelo Coder
Then load all your hacker abs. Type in: /savelo Hacker
Atleast load all your martial artist abs. Type in: /savelo MA
Then open page 10 of your hotbar (or whatever page you like) and type in the following:
/macro Coder /loadlo Coder
/macro Hacker /loadlo Hacker
/macro MA /loadlo MA
Now you will have three macro buttons on your hotbar that can switch all your ability loadouts as you wish. Quite handy, huh? Especially for Coders. But you have to be at a hardline, of course, to switch your loadouts.
I don't know how much time I have spent at a HL just changing abs around.....This saves me sooo much time.